Yo yo yo! What's up folks, Retro here for another Newgrounds update (as I've heavily been missing out), let's begin, shall we?
What??? Another SMP?? But didn't you stop the SMP you made a year ago due to someone in the FNF community being a very bad person and a groomer? (Yep, had to do that lol)
BUT YES. I've currently been planning out the SMP to be a fantastic start to get people in and have some fun. Currently we are on Season 2 of the SMP, the Steam and Spirits Season. Season 1 already happened, with it being an introduction to Elanor, Silver Knight, and a bunch of other aspects about the lore of Elanor I'm expanding and want to show before the final Silver Knight story in May, before I delve into other projects.
Elanor Saga/System ReHash Updates:
Curse of Elanor is now complete and is ready to release for Silver Knight's 10th anniversary.
System Rehash will have a story out in June/July. It will be a basic story delving into the life of Dykuma and his family. Be ready for that.
Personal Life Updates:
Man, it's been a wild few months, huh? Been going into college, been getting a job and my license in check, and most importantly, therapy. Been really reasonable with therapy, and its been working out wonders. I've also recently moved! I'm able to go out and take walks now (finally touch grass, as some may say). I'm really happy right now, and I'm thankful for the friends, both online and irl, who have helped me get to where I'm at today. This years been my year, and I continue to make it so. If you wanna be alongside me for the journey back to success, come along. I'll have my hand out for ya to give ya the okay.
Love you all.